Part 1 |
Introduction to the Plan |
Planning Context |
Part 2 |
Goals and Objectives |
Part 3 |
Future Land Use |
Transportation |
an adopted, legislative document containing
official policy statements for effective decision-making in both private
development projects and community expenditures. |
a vision of the future based upon the desires of
the citizens |
the foundation upon which all land use decisions
are to be based |
The objective of a comprehensive plan is to
establish a long term community vision which defines the quantity of
growth, quality of growth, and location of growth that the community
desires |
Vision Statement |
Parke County will continue to be a scenic
rural county of small towns, communities, and rural areas that maintain
their heritage and character while
providing a high quality of life in a relaxed atmosphere. |
Goal 1:
Encourage preservation and reuse of historic structures throughout
the county, with special attention paid to the covered bridges. |
Objectives: |
Support preservation and reuse of structures and
districts listed on or eligible for the State of National Register of
Historic Places. |
Maintain an inventory of historic properties in
the county in conjunction with the Historic Landmarks Foundation of
Indiana. |
Assess vacant historic structures and promote
reuse of those that are sound and removal of those that are not. |
Objectives (continued): |
Promote preservation of the County Courthouse
Square. |
Implement a building inspection program with
certified personnel. |
Goal 2:
Maintain the small town and rural character of Parke County, while
supporting limited growth in the community. |
Objectives: |
Protect the visual character of the highway
corridors leading into Parke County and to major destinations in the
county. |
Enhance the attractiveness of the communities
through trash removal and recycling programs. |
Objectives (continued): |
Encourage new building design to be consistent
with the character of existing development in the towns. |
Encourage industrial development in locations
with a high level of accessibility and minimize visibility from scenic
corridors. |
Goal 3:
Encourage the development of businesses that meet the day-to-day
retail and service needs of the local population. |
Objectives: |
Identify retail businesses that serve the
smaller market areas and pursue those businesses. |
Encourage business competition to provide high
quality products and services. |
Goal 4: Encourage growth and development
that promotes safe, active, healthy lifestyles. |
Objectives: |
Promote development that is attractive for both
young families and older adults. |
Promote facilities that encourage health and
physical activity. |
Sustain and develop access to adequate medical
and dental care. |
Objectives (continued): |
Provide modern fire protection and emergency
response. |
Allow innovative housing types such as
townhouses where appropriate infrastructure is available. |
Adopt a building code and building inspection
program |
Goal 5: Manage transportation throughout the
community to meet the needs of county residents and visitors. |
Objectives: |
Engage all communities in Capital Improvements
Planning for the county to identify needed road repairs and rebuilding,
with timelines and funding levels. |
Develop a community-wide signage system to
direct traffic to tourism destinations. |
Objectives (continued): |
Implement a system for separating bicycle and
buggy traffic from automobile and truck traffic on key transportation
corridors. |
Objectives (continued): |
4. Develop local standards, in conjunction
with INDOT, to manage access on key highways outside incorporated
communities to ensure appropriate traffic flow. |
5. Encourage access to an “on-call” public
transportation system |
Goal 6: Manage land use in a manner that
provides for the efficient use of the community’s resources while remaining
flexible so as to meet the needs of local residents and business owners. |
Objectives: |
Maintain agricultural areas with protection from
residential development. |
Encourage water and sewer systems, and promote
development in those areas. |
Encourage cottage industries and home-based
businesses while maintaining residential character in established
neighborhoods. |
Objectives (continued): |
Allow for the development of rural homes,
businesses, and institutions that are consistent with the needs of the
local traditional communities. |
Encourage rural residential to follow
conservation design guidelines. |
Goal 7: Make Parke County more attractive
for residents and visitors. |
Objectives: |
Enforce regulations on trash dumping, junk cars,
and other eyesores, and revise regulations as necessary to make them more
effective. |
Formulate and finance a county trash management
plan to facilitate recycling, disposal of appliances, etc. |
Support the renovation of the County Courthouse
Square. |
Goal 8: Promote mechanisms to bring the
entire county together. |
Objectives: |
Encourage civic-minded citizens to participate
in local government. |
Conduct open community “Town Hall” forums and
meetings. |
Adult/Youth leadership skills transfer
activities. |
Youth membership on committees. |
Vision Statement |
Parke County has a vigorous, work friendly
economic environment which supports existing businesses, encourages
expansion of local businesses, and encourages entrepreneurs to create
businesses, providing a variety of job opportunities that pay competitive
wages and offer a comfortable standard of living. |
Goal 1: Update and enforce regulations to
make the county a “work friendly” place to conduct business and start new
businesses. |
Objectives: |
Stronger zoning, building, and health codes to
clean up the community. |
Streamlined, more business friendly regulations
and processes. |
Goal 2: Support business and industrial
development and recruitment. |
Objectives: |
Communicate with, advocate for, and support
existing businesses in Parke and neighboring counties, for both retention
and expansion potential. |
Fund aggressive incentive packages for the
recruitment of new businesses and industry. |
Establish an industrial park. |
Objectives (continued): |
Supply appropriate infrastructure, including
telecommunications, throughout the county |
Establish a Regional Sewer District |
Work with providers to ensure high speed
internet access to all Parke County citizens |
Improve roads at industrial sites |
Objectives (continued): |
5. Provide workforce development
opportunities through Parke County Learning Center. |
6. Support home-based businesses and cottage
industries through education and business planning assistance. |
7. Fund aggressive marketing plan through
Redevelopment Commission. |
Goal 3: Develop the tourism industry to
enhance employment and other year round benefits. |
Objectives: |
Provide training opportunities for residents to
enhance skills to work in the tourism industry. |
Provide support for resident to start and
develop tourism businesses. |
Revise zoning ordinance(s) to encourage
destination and agri-tourism while managing impacts on local communities. |
Goal 4: Promote Parke County people for key
positions to influence or participate in decisions affecting employment in
Parke or neighboring counties. |
Objectives: |
Appointments to state bodies dealing with state
properties and facilities, including the women’s prison and state parks and
recreation properties. |
Meetings on the future use of the Newport
Chemical Depot property. |
Potential agricultural businesses impacting
Parke County. |
Vision statement: |
Parke County offers year-round nature based
recreation, rural/small town history, arts, and handicrafts, for residents
and visitors. |
Goal 1: Protect and preserve our parks,
nature preserves, lakes, streams, and forests for future generations to
enjoy. |
Objectives: |
Manage commercial and residential development
through enforceable zoning. |
Focus on sustainable development. |
Work with Federal and State agencies that manage
land in Parke County, and other major land holders, to maximize
recreational opportunities. |
Objectives (continued): |
Educate our youth about the importance of
preserving natural resources and the environment. |
Goal 2: Protect and preserve our historic
and rural heritage |
Objectives: |
Preserve the rural ambiance of the county by
managing residential/commercial development |
Support efforts to preserve and maintain
historic bridges, mills, barns, and other historic structures. |
Objectives: |
Appoint and maintain a Historical/Protective
Committee as called for in Section XXIV, paragraph B of the existing Parke
County Zoning Ordinance to “-review plans for new buildings and
structures---for the protection of historic sites and landmarks-”. |
Goal 3: Develop additional tourist
attractions and coordinate activities of CVC, PCI, Main Street Rockville,
Mansfield, Bridgeton, etc. |
Objectives: |
Promote coordination among the various tourism
organizations to minimize overlap and conflict. |
Revise zoning ordinance to encourage
tourism-based businesses while managing the impact of those activities on
local services. |
Objectives (continued): |
Enhance and maintain the Parke County web site,
parkecounty.com or coveredbridges.com, to promote the wide range of
attractions, activities, and events – “There’s more than Covered Bridges in
Parke County.” |
Encourage owners of historic properties to
identify tourism opportunities. |
Objectives (continued): |
5. Encourage the creation of eco-tourism and
agri-tourism enterprises. |
6. Collaborate with surrounding counties to
promote regional tourism. |
7. Support the County Parks and Recreation
Board’s efforts to provide county-wide recreational opportunities geared to
youth and young families. |
Goal 4: Preserve and develop our
not-for-profit visitor attractions/sites such as the Covered Bridge Art
Gallery, Billie Creek Village, the Mecca Schoolhouses, the Ritz Theater,
the Quaker Meeting House and the Parke County Historical Museum |
Objectives: |
Develop funding from new revenue sources, such
as a county food and beverage tax and/or an “October option” sales tax. |
Create a process whereby these revenues will be
available to help maintain these visitor attractions. |
Goal 5: Make it easier to find Parke County
and to find the various attractions around the county |
Objectives: |
Work with Federal and State agencies to
designate USHWY 41 a Scenic Byway corridor from the 41/63 junction in Terre
Haute to the 41/63 junction north of Attica. |
Develop additional tour route for historical
sights, scenic country roads, old cemetery tours, paved bike routes, paved
road tours. |
Objectives (continued): |
Develop and install new distinctive signage with
a logo or common appearance to direct visitors on tours and to attractions
around the county. |
Goal 6: Make Parke County more attractive
for residents and visitors |
Objectives: |
Enforce regulations on trash dumping. Revise regulations as necessary to make
them more effective. |
Support the renovation of the Courthouse Square. |
Vision statement: |
Parke County has multiple educational
opportunities including a unified, high-quality public K-12 school
district, post secondary education, adult education, alternative education,
lifelong learning, and a county-wide library system. |
Goal 1: Support improvement and efficiency
of public K-12 schools, including unification of the 3 public school
districts. |
Objectives: |
Study and develop models to analyze and
determine the most efficient school system for the entire county, including
curriculum and finance. |
Encourage parents and students to take full
advantage of educational opportunities within and outside the public school
system. |
Promote more challenging courses through
combining students from each of the educational entities. |
Objectives (continued): |
Control drug/alcohol/tobacco use through
education and enforcement. |
Continue to encourage the private schools that
are independent from local public school districts. |
Goal 2: Support development of work skills. |
Objectives: |
Provide adequate opportunities for skills
development and ongoing education for workforce development. |
Support availability of high-speed internet
access to homes and businesses. |
Encourage use of standardized measurement tools
to help students better position themselves for success in the workplace. |
Objectives (continued): |
Control drug/alcohol/tobacco use through
education and enforcement. |
Continue to encourage the private schools that
are independent from local public school districts. |
Goal 3: Support development of life skills. |
Objectives: |
Work with lifelong learning service providers to
identify and market existing programs, and to develop new programs
beneficial to county residents. |
Increase education on personal finances and
lifelong decision-making. |
Objectives (continued): |
Increase education on local history and culture
to encourage respect and appreciated of Parke County and its various
lifestyles. |
Increase civic education on how government
operated, how programs are funded, and how citizens can participate in
local government. |
Objectives (continued): |
5. Increase educational opportunities for
fine arts and other cultural activities. |
6. Encourage dialogue between citizens,
including diverse entities in the county. |
7. Increase education about
drug/alcohol/tobacco use. |
8. Market available programs to assure
residents are aware of opportunities. |
Goal 4: Support development of a county-wide
library system. |
Objectives: |
Conduct a library master planning process to
determine needs for buildings, staff, and electronic and print resources. |
Provide high-speed internet access to residents. |
Market available resources to assure residents
are aware of them. |
New development near existing development |
Industrial development near transportation and
existing industry |
Commercial development near transportation and
residential/activity centers |
Residential focused where it can be served |
Arterials connect communities and destinations
with one another |
Collectors move traffic from local roads to
arterials |
Local roads serve largely residential needs |
Accommodations for buggy traffic are appropriate
and can serve auto traffic |
Draft plan |
Review by Steering Committee |
Plan Revisions |
Consideration by the Plan Commission |
Consideration by the County Commissioners |